

Gauzente C. (2014), Digging into the Subjectivity of Mobile App’s Non-Users – A Single-Case Study Approach, Operant Subjectivity, 37(4).

Gauzente C. (2013), Une invitation à utiliser la Q-method dans les recherches en SI, Revue Systèmes d’Information & Management, 18/2.
Dumoulin, R., Gauzente, C. (2013), The Solid Body Guitar in the Digital Era: How Persistent Myths Influence Musicians’ Evaluation Criteria, International Journal of Arts Management, 15/2 (Winter), 4-17.

Connolly, R., Gauzente C., Dumoulin R., (2012), Adopting IT in the Public Health Care Sector, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 7/2, 101-116.
Gauzente, C., Roy, Y. (2012), Message content in keyword campaigns, click behavior and price-consciousness: A study of millennial consumers, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 19/1, 78-87.
Gauzente, C., Dumoulin, D. (2012), Franchising choice in retail networks: A multi-level institutional framework, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22/4, 385-396.

Gauzente C. (2010), The intention to click on sponsored ads – A study of the role of prior knowledge and of consumer profile, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 17/6, 457-463.
Gauzente C. (2010), Market Orientation in Franchise Networks: A Contrast Analysis of Franchisers and Franchisees Views, International Review of Retailing, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20/2, 273-284.
Gauzente C. (2010), Does Anybody Read SMS-Advertising? A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Mobile Users’ Attitudes and Perceived Ad-Clutter, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 6/2, 13-29.
Guilloux V. et Gauzente C. (2010), Does psychological Profile has something to do with satisfaction? A French retailing Franchisees study, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11/2, 165-182.

Gauzente C. (2009), Information Search and Paid Results – Proposition and Test of a Hierarchy-of-effect Model, Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business, 15.
Dumoulin R. et Gauzente C. (2009), Les facteurs d’institutionnalisation de la franchise et leurs conséquences sur la performance, Revue Management & Avenir, vol. 22, 153-168.

Gauzente C. (2008), Politiques et pratiques des sites marchands en matière de respect de la vie privée : analyse du dosage entre chartes et labels et de leur évolution, Revue Management & Avenir, vol. 17, 44-65.
Gauzente C., Ranchhod A., et Gurau C. (2008), SMS-Marketing: A Study of Consumer Saturation Using an Extended TAM Approach, International Journal of Electronic Business, vol.6, iss. 3, 282-297.
Dubost N., Guilloux V., Kalika M. et Gauzente C. (2008), How Franchiser and Franchisee Relationship affect Franchisees’ Satisfaction? The Importance of Fairness, Communication and Trust as Ethical Bases of Relationship Marketing, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol.6, n°1, 155-172.

Gauzente C. (2004), Web Merchants’ Privacy and Security Statements: How Reassuring are They for Consumers? A Two-sided Approach, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 5 (3), [].
Guilloux V., Gauzente C., Kalika M et Dubost N. (2004), How France’s Potential Franchisees Reach their Decisions: A Comparison with Franchisers’ Perceptions, Journal of Small Business Management, 42 (2), 218-224.

Gurau C., Ranchhod A. et Gauzente C. (2003), To legislate or not to legislate – A comparative exploratory study of privacy/personalisation factors affecting French, UK and US web sites, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20 (7), 652-664.
Gauzente C. (2003), Measuring Franchisee’s Satisfaction: Theoretical Consideration and Empirical Testing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31 (10), 508-517 (Awarded paper).
Gauzente C. (2003), Vie privée et Internet : les pratiques des sites français, Décisions Marketing, 30, 7-17.

Gauzente C. (2002), Using Qualitative Methods in Franchise Research—An Application in Understanding the Franchised Entrepreneurs’ Motivations, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3 (1) January, [online:].
Gauzente C. (2002), L’orientation marché comme trait culturel : Proposition de cadrage et de mesure, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 43, 20-32.

Gauzente C. et Ranchhod A. (2001b), Ethical Marketing for Competitive Advantage on the Internet, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 01/10, [online:].
Gauzente C. (2001a), Why Should Time Be Considered in Market Orientation Research?, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 01/01, [online:].
Gauzente C. (2001), The Dynamics of Market Oriented Change: An Empirical Exploration, Journal of Change Management, 1 (3), 215-228.
Gauzente C. et Kalika M. (2001), Orientation stratégique externe et performance organisationnelle des moyennes entreprises agro-alimentaires : une étude exploratoire, Revue Sciences de Gestion – Economie et Société, 28, 29-52.

Gauzente C. (2000), Mesurer la performance des entreprises en l’absence d’indicateurs objectifs : quelle validité ?Analyse de la pertinence de certains indicateurs, Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 3 (2), 145-165.

Gauzente C. (1999), Comparing Market Orientation Scales: A Content Analysis, The Marketing Bulletin, 10, 76-82 [online:]
Dubost N. et Gauzente C. (1999), Orientation marché et performance des moyennes entreprises – le rôle de la dépendance économique vis-à-vis des clients, Gestion 2000, 6 (nov-déc), 105-118.

Gauzente C. et Peyrat-Guillard D. Eds. (2007), Analyses statistiques de données textuelles en Sciences de Gestion : Concepts, Méthodes et Applications, Editions EMS, Coll. Questions de Société.
Gauzente C. (2005), Alerte Marketing – Comprendre, anticiper, gérer les crises, Collection Perspectives Marketing, De Boeck Université, 160 p.
Gauzente C. (2000), L’orientation marché des entreprises – Dimensions stratégiques, culturelles et organisationnelles, Collection Economiques, Editions L’Harmattan.


Gauzente C. (2012), Co-author of chapters 1 and 7 in Stratégie Clients – Regards d’experts, Edited by P. Volle,  Chapter 1 (Developing Customer Intelligence) and 7 (Deserving Customers’ Trust,  online:, Pearson.

Gauzente C. et Dumoulin R. (2009), Franchise as an Efficient Mode of Entry on Emerging Markets : A Discussion from the Legitimacy Point of View, Handbook of Business Practices and Growth in Emerging Markets, Edited by S. Singh, World Scientific Publishing company, Singapore.
Gauzente C. et Fenneteau H. (2006), Ethique et responsabilité sociale : Que peut-on attendre du Marketing ?, in Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise – Pour un nouveau contrat social, coordonné par J.-J. Rosé, De Boeck Université.
Gauzente C. (2005), contributions aux chapitres II et VI de l’ouvrage Management – Cas et applications, coordonné par M. Kalika, J.-P. Helfer, J. Orsoni, Editions Vuibert [Cas Ikéa (pp. 89-93) et Cas Technoform (pp. 313-317)].
Gauzente C. (2005), La méthodologie Q et l’étude de la subjectivité, in Management des Ressources Humaines – Méthodes de recherches en Sciences Humaines et sociales, Coordonné par P. Roussel et F. Wacheux, De Boeck Université, pp. 177-206.
Gauzente C. (2004) contributions à Marketing Strategies: A twenty-first Century Approach, coordonné par A. Ranchhod, FT-Prentice Hall, Pearson Ed.
Gauzente C. et Ranchhod A. (2002), Ethical Marketing for Competitive Advantage on the Internet, in Digital Marketing : Concepts and Experiences , A. Prasad, R. (ed.), Hyderabad: ICFAI Press, pp. 119-129
Gauzente C. et Ranchhod (2003), Ethical Marketing for Competitive Advantage on the Internet, in Business Ethics 03/04 – Fifteenth Edition , John E. Richardson (ed.), Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, MacGraw Hill Eds
Gauzente C., Gomy P., Bouder-Pailler D. (1999), Enjeux et opportunités de l’histoire en Marketing, in Faire de la recherche en Marketing ? Coordonné par B. Pras, Editions Vuibert, pp. 134-149.

More than 50 conference papers in Management, Marketing and IS conferences.

Gauzente C. (2009), A new institutionalist view of collaboration and clusters and its consequences in terms of creativity, Invited speach, Collaborations, Clusters & Creativity Conference, Faculty of Business, Sports and Enterprise, Southampton Solent University, May.
Gauzente C. et R. Dumoulin (2009), Renouveler et élargir l’analyse du lien franchise-performances, texte introductif au cahier ‘Franchise et performances’, Revue Management & Avenir, vol 22.
Gauzente C. et Gonzalez C. (2009), A Consumer Stance at Search Engine Marketing, Editorial for the special issue of the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 5, 1/2,1-3.
Gauzente C. (2008), Users’ Behavior toward M-Advertising -An Exploratory Study of the Role of Perceived Intrusiveness and Ad-Clutter, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Newsletter, August, p.11-12.
Gauzente C. et alii (2004), E-banking – Respect des informations personnelles des clients : quelles pratiques de la part des sites français ?, Revue Banque Magazine, 657, 32-34.
Gauzente C. (2003), Book Review: Strategic Relationship Marketing by S. Hougaard and M. Bjerre, The Marketing Review, 3 (3), 371-376.
Gauzente C. (2002), Vers l’organisation orientée marché ?, Revue Humanisme et Entreprise, 254, 37-47.

2007-2010 : Responsable axe Gestion du Programme COSAVE, dans le cadre du GRANEM.
2008-2009 : Responsable programme Ulysse avec R. Dumoulin et R. Connolly : « The contribution of IS infrastructure to organisational agility »

2005 : Rapport pour la Fédération Française de la Franchise, La performance financière de la Franchise, avec M. Kalika, V. Guilloux, J.M. Dalbarade, N. Périchon.
2000 : Rapport pour la Fédération Française de la Franchise, Franchise et culture managériale, avec M. Kalika, N. Dubost, V. Guilloux et P. Roussel, 226 p.
1999 : Rapport pour la Fédération Française de la Franchise, La décision d’achat d’une franchise : Etude empirique du processus d’achat et de la satisfaction du franchisé, avec M. Kalika, N. Dubost et V. Guilloux, 242 p.
1999 : Rapport intermédiaire pour la Fédération Française de la Franchise, Enquête exploratoire des motivations pour l’achat d’une franchise, avec M. Kalika, N. Dubost et V. Guilloux, 51p.
1998 : Rapport pour la Commission Européenne : L’opinion des professionnels sur le projet de test MESAS’, avec M. Kalika.
1997 : Rapport de synthèse final, Contrat de recherche Aliment Demain, Ministère de l’Agriculture, 80p.

Guest editor:
 IJIMA International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Special issue “A consumer stance at Search Engine Marketing’, with C. Gonzalez. Published in 2009: volume 5, ½, 130p.

Member of Editorial Boards:
 IJSDS – International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (since 2008);
 IJBEM – International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (since 2007);
 IJADS – International Journal of Advanced Decision Sciences (since 2007);
 CAIS – Communications of AIS: Guest member of editorial board for the special issue on “RFID in Retailing and Customer Relationship Management” (2008);
 RMA – Revue Management & Avenir (since 2009).

Ad hoc reviewer:
 CAIS – Communication of the Association of Information Systems (2007)
 FCS – Finance Contrôle Stratégie (2008)
 JBR – Journal of Business Research (2006, 2008), Marketing editor: Barry J. Babin.
 JMS – Journal of Management Studies (2005), General editors: Timothy Clark, Steven W. Floyd and Mike Wright.
 JECR – Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (2005, 2006, 2012), Guest editors: Ingoo Han, Namshul Shin.
 JIBS – Journal of International Business Studies (2004), Editor-in-chief: Arie Y. Lewin.
 IJIMA – International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising – Special issue on Relationship Marketing and the Internet (2003), Guest editor: Thorsten Hennig-Thurau.
 RAM – Recherche et Application en Marketing (2008, 2011, 2012)
 DM – Décisions Marketing (2005, 2006), Rédacteurs en chef invités : Dwight Merunka, Bernard Pras ; 2008 (Regular issue).
 RFG – Revue Française de Gestion (2009), Rédacteur en chef invité : R. Dumoulin.

 Reviewer for scientific conferences such as ADERSE (Association pour le Développement de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche sur la RSE), AFM (Association Française de Marketing), AMS (Academy of Marketing Science), EIBA (European International Business Academy), DSI (Decision Science Institute), IBIMA (International Business Information Management Association), CUB08 DEXA (Computer-User Behavior).

 Main supervisor, S. Gauttier, Augmented reality benefits for product visualization (part-time)
 Co-supervisor, R. Wiegel, Franchising in emerging markets, with R. Dumoulin
 Second supervisor for part-time PhD with Ashok Ranchhod, Professor at Southampton Business School:
 F. Rabbi, Mobile Marketing
 P. Dervan, Online network marketing
 Tamer Awad, « Measuring the degree of market orientation of Miles & Snow typology and the degree of information technology orientation and their effect on organisations performance in the UK financial service sector » (vival : 17/07/2002).

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